Never Throw Away Banana Peels… Do These Instead

#8 – Teeth Whitener

benefits of banana peels


Do you want to wear a better smile? Then, let the banana peels work for you, with its most well-known use – to whiten teeth. Rub your teeth with the inside of banana peel until it coats fully then leave it coated. After 2 minutes, brush your teeth with toothpaste like you always do. A couple of minutes scheduled per day will do the trick.

Banana peel contains salicylic acid which serves as natural astringent and citric acid as a natural and gentle bleaching agent. It also has potassium, manganese, and magnesium that can remove stains without harming your enamel. Don’t waste your banana peels, it can save you from expensive teeth treatment and give you a perfect smile.

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