10. Feeling weak and fatigued When the number of healthy and active red blood cells reduces in the body, they can’t adequately perform their main...

1. Pain in the pelvis Pelvic pain and cramps may be normal in women, especially during the course of menstruation. However, a step must be...

11: Farm Raised Grilled Salmon (with skin intact) When salmon are farm raised, they are usually compacted in one small enclosure or sanctuary. Within that...

10. Lumps Sometimes when an individual has breast cancer, the nipple can become tender. Other times a lump, which feels like a thickening near the breast...

A Kidney stone is the occurrence which results from the solidification of crystals that are typically found in Urine. Most commonly this is the...

7. Pain in the arms If the heart is not producing enough oxogen, the initial effects will be felt either in the chest area; or more commonly, the...

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