9 Warning Signs of of Type 2 Diabetes

5. Numbness and foot pain

Numbness in feet and hands accompanied by swelling and burning pain could be indications that you are suffering from type 2 diabetes. If the levels of sugar are not controlled in the long run, nerves can permanently get damaged. It is therefore very important to control the levels of blood sugar the soonest time possible so that you can avoid being a victim of type 2 diabetes.
Elevated sugar levels cause complications and before you realize, you are diabetic. One of such complications includes mild nerve damages which cause numbness in feet
Diabetes slows down the ability of the body to heal. This happens because all sugars in the blood stream damage the vessels of the body. The most common and dangerous symptoms of diabetes can lead to feet infections. When you are diabetic, you might not even feel those sores until its already too late and the damage is already done.

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